Saturday, May 31, 2003
Milestone addition
Shane kena insulted
This one is a classic!
It's Sem4 hols and we were again at 23 Duchess Ave. This time there wasn't any fishball eating competition. It was meant to be a tech comm tape viewing session. So we were eating dinner at the giant round dining table and it was a pizza hut / KFC delivery thing. Somehow, water seeped under the glass cover and we had to lift it and dry the water b4 it can damage the wood. Took quite a while jus to remove the heavy glass. Then Shane took the initiative to wipe the glass. I dun remember the exact words used but Bubble's mom said Shane got no strength. Funny siah...
Milestone addition
Yhow's chef stint
Remember the potluck at Ruben's house (not too sure when) where we were supposed to each bring a dish tt was preferably self-cooked? Yhow's "gu lou yoke" was one of the highlights tt night. We had divided opinions on the real identity of those pineapples in his dish. Some claimed tt they tasted like papaya. Others say it was in fact more like potato. Only minority was convinced tt it was really indeed pineapple.
Monday, May 26, 2003
Bubble Teh & Brother Hann's 3210 incident (dedicated to Bubble)
continued from part 1 [24/5/03]...
As the night went on, we got an icq msg again. How said: She's coming up! Excitement filled the air. We did it. We won. We had to prepare for a big show. No laughing now. We struggled to keep our face straight at first. (special mention tt this was esp an arduous task for How). Then everyone tried to progress to putting up a solemn face. We knew this plot was all abt teamwork and nobody wanted to let the others down. Losing a hp a is big deal esp back in those days. Oh ya, we almost forgot to switch off the hp and hide it jus in case.
She came up. Qizhang came up with her. They were all packed to go home. She jus had to come up and know for herself the actual situation and whether she was to blame for it. To the evil men's surprise, Fabian and Yinghann put up a great show together. They went thru their impromptu lines as if they had done them b4 many times over. They had so much chemistry, displayed so much emotions. For Yinghann it was abt loss and sadness. While for Fabian, it was more of sympathy and regret. 2 evil men were utterly useless. They were trying hard to contain their laughter within themselves throughout.
In the end, we managed wat we set out to do. Bubble was finally taken in.
Well, after we cleared up the mess, explained the plot, everything went back to normal. Yinghann still has his hp, he still retained his 'nice guy' title in Bubble's heart. The 2 evil men got wat they deserved, their loyalty pts dropped tremendously. (so unfair tt Yinghann got special treatment!) =P
Ok, so I put here the official Bubble Teh & Brother Hann's 3210 incident (the way I remembered it). Hopefully we might go thru it again in yrs to come and laugh it off as one of those crazy things tt happened in the gates of NUS.
Sunday, May 25, 2003
Excerpt from: Are tummies the new cleavage? By Sumiko Tan (The Sunday Times 25 May 2003)
[...Contrary to what men think, most women don't dress up to please the other sex. If we did, all you would see would be low-cut blouses and mini-skirts. Clearly, that's not the case. Women wear what we do for ourselves, and, yes, sometimes to impress other women. We put on what we think looks nice on us and what feels comfortable, not whether it will get men excited...]
we learn something everyday... =P
Saturday, May 24, 2003
Here's a E20 milestone which many pp might not know abt... a bit exaggerated at certain parts for comedy effect (dedicated to Bubble)
Sem 4 (Jan 2001)
Bubble Teh & Brother Hann's 3210 incident
- main cast: Bubble, Yinghann, Fabian, How and YB
- guest stars: Qizhang and an Indian cleaner
Date: the night before the 2nd Control quiz by Dr. W W Tan
Location: a bench behind LT2
Story starts with the guys studying last minute for the control quiz. Our female lead Ms Bubble Teh also studying for the quiz at another obscure corner of the faculty icqs How (mind u, in those olden days, we din have wireless LAN cards) to say hi. She discovers our whereabouts and decides to pay us a visit.
The guys were elated upon her visit. We exchanged the normal hi-5s. The guys then took the chance to visit the toilet together and pee as we had utmost trust in our dearest Bubble to look after our stuff.
We came back from the toilet shocked to find tt our stuff were left unattended including How's laptop and Yinghann's Nokia 3210 (it was his first hp with the class hotline 93825966. Apparently, he fell into Starhub's free incoming ploy then).
One thing led to another... shock to distrust, distrust to anger, anger to rage... we thought we could trust Bubble with our stuff and pee in peace. Never did we once expect her to return to her obscure corner, into the arms of another before we were back.
Suddenly, this Indian cleaner came from nowhere and started mopping the floor near our bench. Thus, an evil plot to make our Bubble come back up and apologise began to form in the devilish minds of How and YB (personally, I still feel it was more How than YB lah). These 2 jokers were determined to make Bubble guilty for leaving b4 we returned by letting her believe tt our Indian cleaner took the 3210 immediately after she left.
I have to add here tt Fabian and Yinghann were rather against this ingenious plot at first. They were worried tt we might really hurt Bubble with this hoax. But the other 2 evil men persisted. They even proposed a wager to guess whether she would finally apologise and if we would see tears tt very night. Fabian said we were damm bo liao.
The plan was executed to near perfection. First, How asked if she had seen the 3210 on the bench. She said she din notice. How continued tt Yinghann seems to think his hp went missing but nothing is confirmed as he's still looking for it. Slowly, the seed of doubt was planted in the mind of Bubble. She began to wonder if it was her negligence had caused this disaster to happen.
After the initial icq exchanges, after we thot everything went as planned, there was still no show from her. 2 evil men were disappointed. The plot failed materialise. She din come...end of part1.
Friday, May 23, 2003
Friday, May 09, 2003
Thursday, May 08, 2003
Sunday, May 04, 2003
Saturday, May 03, 2003
Hotel 81?
Heard they dun 'catch' pp over there. =P
Gail, u really think changi would be better? Unless the changi chalet is within walking distance from Changi Village. If not, getting food would be a headache. Furthermore, there might not be a bowling centre nearby and the beach might not have a foot reflexology path... i was thinking we take the package on the website Emily found if the ballot was unsuccessful.
u think?
Friday, May 02, 2003
maybe dinner at some neighbourhood coffeeshop?
like tt time where we each ordered 1 dish and we all share. i rem it was some coffeeshop near Holland V but i forgot wat the occasion was. and i think it was during IA too cos i remembered discussing abt work and tt Bubble and Yimei were in the same line as me. construction site. =)
Thursday, May 01, 2003
Ok, I'm thinking a tentative game programme might be useful. So i drafted one for discussion. It spans for 2 days. Fresh ideas r always welcome so feel free to post activities which u have been hoping to do since exams so tt we can better explore our alternatives.
AM check in
PM lunch
rollerblading (pp who cannot blade muz try too)
volleyball (provided Yimin's chio bu frens lend us the ball)
NIGHT dinner
talent night 1 (includes forfeits to be done on the spot)
beach walk
own activities (free time)
AM sleep
PM lunch
canoeing (pp who cannot canoe muz try too)
Captain's Ball in water (provided we can find pp at the park to play with. hopefully fellow nus students on chalet too)
kite flying (will depend on wind conditions)
NIGHT dinner
games (charades, win lose or draw, guess the number)
talent night 2
own activities (free time)
AM check out
PM lunch
bye bye
Of cos, the wet weather I propose is The E20 Bachelor[15/4/03]. Anybody got a portable VCD player? Mini Hi-Fi (with Cd-player)?
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