Our dear Terrance has graduated and is also 放生from his old crazy boss so he jioed the class for a meet up at Ishi Mura Japanese Foodcourt at the ex Paradiz Centre. Paradiz is now known as PoMo.
we had our dinner at the food court with updates from everyone and horror stories from Terrance about the work-until-siao people in his previous company. Now we know high pay plus do nothing is not enough, people will still leave the job! Yonghow got a 15k weekend car! Gasp!! Yong Wei is flying everywhere for his model plane business. Yonghui has another financial talk for women coming up on 12th June. Me and Xuan is just busy eating and continue to 败家O_o" . Yit Boon is still busy pimping himself.
Moved on to Killiney to have round 2. Cher Yap joined us for a while despite her busy schedule!
Chit chat a while before all the poor working people go home to rest.
Something to ponder about for all those who are married or in a relationship
What is your love language? What must be done to make you feel loved?
There are 5 main categories.
1. Words of affirmation
2. Physical touch
3. Quality time spent together
4. Gifts
5. Acts of Service
Feel free to comment :)