Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Yesterday was not a fair test lah.
1. Everyone in the audience was looking at him with loving eyes cos he was the star of his 1hr show.
2. He din have eye contact with the audience once the bombings comenced.
3. Stress made him so irritated tt his tone towards the examiner changed at 1 pt.

Basically, I din see anything lah. I myself was too engrossed in the thick of the action. It's not everyday tt I get to c such world-class performance. No wonder they say NUS is a world-class university. Now I know... bcos Heatsink is in NUS. It was such a captivating performance. After watching it, I know I'll regret it if I'd missed it.

Simply one of its kind... and xuan -er, if u were there in person, i think u confirm queue up behind Kelly and Parkway gal and start worshipping the ground tt his walks on.

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