Monday, July 28, 2003

How to Win yr gal from a “Better” guy!
3 Steps to win back yr true love

continued from [11/7/03]

Chapter 2

Step 2 - Enhance yr strengths, accentuate his weaknesses

“No man is infallible.”

In a recent poll conducted at Holland Village, it was ascertained tt one of the fundamental prerequisites most women want in their guy is height. Somehow it seems tt the ladies have conveniently correlated a man’s height to the amount of ‘an quan gan’ she derives from hanging out with him (much to the displeasure of the men present during the polls who were incidentally, all below 1.8m).

In another poll (done on the same grp of pp), it was discovered tt though height wins out, there is another trait tt women look for in men which is jus as important. And this being: a good conversationalist. Hence, as much as they want someone who can provide them with a sense of security when they r with, deep down, they also yearn for a guy who can provide them comfort though his words and can share their ideas, thoughts and lives.

The morale of the story is: If yr opponent is a taller person, the odds against u r proportional to the difference of both yr heights. The proportionality constant differs from individual to individual. However, do take heart as this does not mean the end of the world for u. So b4 u start running off to yr guy frens to KB, lets assess the situation again and look for possibilities…

Now, so wat if his taller than u?
1. he’s a quiet person
2. he’s someone who prefers to keep to himself
3. those ard him usually have no idea wat’s on his mind

This might be yr best place to carry out Step 2.

Chapter 3

Step 3 - Declare yr intentions

to be concluded...

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